Tree climbing! Supported, safe environment for healthy risk taking. #learningfromtheoutsidein #lafargewisconsin #connectexploreengage #publicforestschool #learningwithnature
about 3 years ago, KVFS
Students took time this week to check out a library book from our growing KVFS library. The KVFS library is thoughtfully curated by staff and trained librarians. Many of the books found in this library are nature themed and/or depict children from various backgrounds. Students will be able to check out books as they return the previous one. We hope that this helps nurture a lifelong love for books!
about 3 years ago, KVFS
We have been reading The Adventures of Bobby Racoon by Thornton Burgess at rest time. And so today, on our morning adventure, when the children found a big hollow tree trunk they were sure it was Bobbyā€™s hollow tree! Climbing inside the trunk was a wonderful sensory experience and also a wonderful opportunity to take turns. You never know what kinds of treasures you are going to find in the forest! #LearningfromtheOutsideIn #lafargewi #iloveforestschool #connectexploreengage #outdoorexploration #publicforestschool
about 3 years ago, KVFS
Involving kids in sourcing ingredients and helping to prepare a meal is a wonderful way to encourage them to try new foods and also a special way to build community. Everyone was very enthusiastic about chopping veggies for stone soup last week! #LearningfromtheOutsideIn
about 3 years ago, KFVS
stone soup
stone soup!
Last week our first snow brought shrieks of delight! On what some adults called a ā€œmiserable dayā€ our students had their first fire and enjoyed lunch in its warmth. More children than usual slept at rest time and then they went roaring back out for more. Their eyes were bright with the excitement of the first snow and the new shifts in our daily rhythm. #LearningfromtheOutsideIn #lafargewi #iloveforestschool #connectexploreengage #outdoorexploration #publicforestschool #leaningwithnature
about 3 years ago, KVFS
Our days are filled with ample opportunities for children to work together. Solving physical challenges and working together sets them up for real world success. For example when students team up to push the snack wagon! Speaking of teamwork, big thanks to the wonderful crew at KVR who teamed up to move a heavy HVAC unit into one of our classrooms. #teamwork #LearningfromtheOutsideIn #lafargewi #iloveforestschool #connectexploreengage #outdoorexploration #publicforestschool
about 3 years ago, KVFS
During the forest school day, children engage in deep play. From building structures together, to creating imaginative worlds, to helping build fires to stay toasty warm. The KVFS staff supports children to problem-solve, navigate conflict with positive results, and help each other accomplish great things while honoring relationships. #LearningfromtheOutsideIn #lafargewi #iloveforestschool #connectexploreengage #outdoorexploration #publicforestschool
about 3 years ago, KVFS
The weather has turned wintry but that doesnā€™t stop us! Children who play outside in all weather strengthen their resilience and adaptability. And talk about a sensory experience! Playing with sticks and mud and water all while the rain is sprinkling down. What fun! Wearing the right gear for the weather allows our forest school students to experience nature in all seasons! #learningoutdoors #seasonschange #LearningfromtheOutsideIn #lafargewi #iloveforestschool #connectexploreengage #outdoorexploration #publicforestschool
over 3 years ago, KVFS
At forest school students have the opportunity to engage with the mathematical world through their experiences with nature. For example, children notice patterns found on leaves, animals, seeds, water and sticks. Childrenā€™s mathematical minds are intrigued noticing the many details, repetition, symmetry, tessellation, and lines in the patterning. Children closely observe and pick up on these patterns with great enthusiasm. #emergentcurriculum #publicforestschool #connectexploreengage #learningfromtheoutsidein #outsideisourcurriculumv #lafargewi
over 3 years ago, KVFS
Every day KVFS students have the opportunity to engage deeply with a sensory experience of their physical environment. Playing in sand, making mud cookies and cakes, taking off their shoes, rolling down hills- these are all experiences that bring the children deeply into their physical bodies and also build foundational scientific knowledge about the natural environment. #publicforestschool #connectexploreengage #learningfromtheoutsidein #outsideisourcurriculum
over 3 years ago, KVFS
Making huge piles of leaves and burying our friends or jumping in the piles, works all our muscles! Not just our coordination and strength, but our capacity to take turns and negotiate needs. #LearningfromtheOutsideIn #lafargewi #iloveforestschool #connectexploreengage #outdoorexploration #publicforestschool
over 3 years ago, KVFS
Creating an environment where children can safely explore is essential to building strong bodies and critical thinkers. When the environment is controlled to eliminate any or all risks, children may lose some of their ability to weigh, ponder, and consider their actions and decisions. #LearningFromtheOutsideIn #ForestKindergarten
over 3 years ago, KFVS
tree climbing
river and sticks
more tree climbing
cave exploring
See the newest edition of Snail Mail, the KVFS newsletter here!
over 3 years ago, KFVS
a moment at forest school
Great Apple Crunch! KVFS of course did it a bit different - and had apple sauce yesterday!!! yum! Made with Apples from the school garden. Read more about the Great Apple Crunch here: #GreatAppleCrunch #WIAppleCrunch #WIF2S #WIFarmtoECE #F2SMonth
over 3 years ago, KVFS
Apple Crunch
A break in the rain for a beautiful rainbow was a great way to end our week! These warmer autumn days have been filled with exploration and excitement! #outdoorlearning #lafargewi #forestschool
over 3 years ago, Summer Willis
Click here for the most recent edition of Snail Mail - our biweekly newsletter!
over 3 years ago, KFVS
A moment at Forest School
The La Farge School District's woodworking class, led by Mr. Fowell, built cubbies for the Forest School this past spring. This past week, they were finished and are now on their way to the KVFS classroom at the Kickapoo Valley Reserve. Thanks to LFSD's woodworking students and Mr. Fowell! These cubbies will soon hold the boots, backpacks, raincoats, and lunchboxes of our 32 incoming 4K & 5K students!
over 3 years ago, KFVS
Cubby prototype
cubby prototype
Ms. Julia finishing
Congratulations to Ms. Gustafson for receiving the Wisconsin Association for Environmental Educators, Administrator of the Year Award! KVFS is so lucky to have such a supportive leader as our Superintendent. Post your congratulations below in the comments!
over 4 years ago, KVFS
WAEE award
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! The La Crosse Tribune featured Kickapoo Valley Forest School in an article. Read more about the school and our outreach programming ( and join on on Sept. 22 for our first roundtable discussion!
over 4 years ago, KFVS
Fall Outreach
We hope you can join us for our first Roundtable Discussion! We invite you to come to learn more and ask questions about: What is a Forest School? The link to our discussion will be posted here: We look forward to talking with you more!
over 4 years ago, KFVS